Saturday, March 10, 2012

lambing time

Its lambing time and we have got about half of the adult ewes lambed, we have had a few early mornings like this morning 4am, but we are doing quite well. We have one set of triplets 8 twins and 5 singles, we have lost 2 lambs one had a navel hernia and the other was born dead, so we feel that we are doing well. At the moment we have a problem one of the yearling ewe has a vaginal prolapes we have put the prolapes back in side her and put a prolapes harness on and given her an injection to endues her in to labor, this could take anything up to 48 hours so we are spending quite a lot of time with her, making her as comfortable as possible and watching for any signs of distress. So keep your fingers crossed for her and enjoy a couple of the photos I have posted, I will put up more when time allows


Wternaby by Shepherd_Carole
Wternaby, a photo by Shepherd_Carole on Flickr.

This is one of last years ewe lambs and she decided to come and play in the water will I filled their water trough, she nearly got all of her head wet by putting it under the stream of water and it was a cold frosty morning.


Trott2 by Shepherd_Carole
Trott2, a photo by Shepherd_Carole on Flickr.

This is Trotter with her little girl, she is a real good mother and her baby is never far away from her, she's also a cutie.


Kingcastle by Shepherd_Carole
Kingcastle, a photo by Shepherd_Carole on Flickr.

Little lamb playing on mums back
This is Teddy and she had twins on the 5th of March, as you can see her little girl is full of mischief, her baby brother is not very well, he was the weaker of the two twins and mums milk did not flow very well at the beginning so the little guy has had a rocky start but is getting stronger by the day.