Wednesday, November 21, 2012

 This has been a very busy week, Dave has taken the week off work and we have been very busy getting jobs done around the farm before the snow comes. We have been very lucky with the weather and I have decided to do a large batch of dyeing as the weather is so good and I will hopefully get it dry without putting it in to the basement(fernace room)
It was a very foggy morning and it was 10.30 before the sun started breaking through.

But here at last the world is bright with color cooling pots of color on the deck.
 and a washing line full of colorfull roving
 Even inside I have my banister rail is full of color, then its a couple of nights make up the 21 color roving bags that you all like so much.
The chicks are growing fast and will be a month old they have lost that cute puff ball look and are going through the ugly duckling stage with their first set of feather growing well.
I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy Black Friday shopping and don't forget to come and see us on Small Business Saturday.