Saturday, March 10, 2012

lambing time

Its lambing time and we have got about half of the adult ewes lambed, we have had a few early mornings like this morning 4am, but we are doing quite well. We have one set of triplets 8 twins and 5 singles, we have lost 2 lambs one had a navel hernia and the other was born dead, so we feel that we are doing well. At the moment we have a problem one of the yearling ewe has a vaginal prolapes we have put the prolapes back in side her and put a prolapes harness on and given her an injection to endues her in to labor, this could take anything up to 48 hours so we are spending quite a lot of time with her, making her as comfortable as possible and watching for any signs of distress. So keep your fingers crossed for her and enjoy a couple of the photos I have posted, I will put up more when time allows

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